Artist: Hazel Almocera Carrillo
Medium: Acrylics on canvas
Size: 2 x 3 ft
There was this small book with a bright yellow cover. An image in black and white of a butterfly emerging from its cocoon was printed on its front. It was a story of a caterpillar from its journey as an egg to its awe of becoming a butterfly. I remember being drawn to reading it over and over again. Over and over again, I am thrilled, fearful, anticipating, and drawn to change, growth, and lots of hope.
I believe in metamorphosis – both in butterflies and in us, humans – transforming from an immature state to a mature, different yet the same being. I believe there is more inside all of us waiting to sprout and grow. I believe in this tingling feeling in our stomachs as we envision so much more for ourselves, and so much hope for our future.
I don’t believe the process to be plane. There must be ups and downs, rough and smooth paths, tearing and mending. All of which is part of what makes metamorphosis hopeful and beautiful.
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